
Triton's 澳门赌博平台计划 is a two-year program for academically talented in-district students who plan to earn an associate of arts or sciences degree and transfer to competitive four-year colleges and universities. The program provides an opportunity for talented students to complete their first two years of university level courses while residing at home.

The program offers an extraordinary opportunity for superior students. 这是一个学术严谨的两年制课程. The 澳门赌博平台计划 has a carefully selected faculty highly motivated to work with specially talented students. Course study is complemented by regular guest lecturers from the academic, 文化和专业社区. Students admitted to the program can anticipate a demanding course of study leading to an associate's degree and excellent opportunities to transfer to competitive four-year colleges and universities.

The 澳门赌博平台计划 features:

  • 精心挑选的教员
  • Small classes devoted to intensive reading, discussion and research skills
  • 强调语言, analytic and 批判性思维 skills in an intellectually demanding atmosphere
  • Careful transfer placement counseling with transfer assistance to baccalaureate-granting institutions and scholarship applications
  • 为符合条件的学生提供全额奖学金
  • 免除区内学费
  • 参加专题活动, 比如参观博物馆, 客座演讲, 澳门赌博平台开放日, 毕业生接收, 戏剧晚会等活动
  • 特别认可成绩单和文凭
I can confidently say that The 澳门赌博平台计划 MORE THAN prepared me for my experiences here at 乔治敦大学. 我不仅觉得自己比同龄人更成熟、更专注, but The 澳门赌博平台计划 definitely helped me gauge my abilities and time management, 它在学校的各个方面都适合我.

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  • SAT或ACT成绩高于大学英语和数学的最低要求
  • 累积最小G.P.A. of 3.5 on a 4.0级或同等等级
  • 教师和辅导员的建议
  • 学术潜力的附加指标

While the program is designed for students entering from high school, 现在的特里顿学院的学生有时会被录取, 但必须符合以下标准: 

  • 至少15个大学学分
  • 最多30个大学学分. However, students with more than one semester completed are rarely able to match required program courses with their academic plans
  • 最少3个.5 G.P.A. 

Current students must have placed at college level English upon entrance to Triton, 不超过一个“W”(退学)等级.

This is an academically rigorous program that welcomes highly motivated students who are looking for a course of study leading to an associate degree and excellent opportunities to transfer to competitive four-year colleges and universities.

Students must be in preparation for an AA or AS (not AAS or certificate) degree.

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The application process is managed by each of the public high schools in the Triton district. Private high school students residing in the district also may obtain applications from their counselors or contact 澳门赌博平台 directly.

索取更多资料及打印的申请表格, please contact your high school counselor or Michael Flaherty or write:

第五大道2000号. River Grove IL 60171
(708) 456-0300分机. 3250

符合入学Eligibility, Triton学生必须住在学区内, intend to pursue a bachelor of arts and sciences degree at a four-year school and have a 3.5累计G.P.A. 可转换学分不少于15个,不多于32个. Transcripts must show a college level efficiency in Math and English.


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澳门赌博平台计划课程是常规课程的丰富版本, designed to help talented and highly motivated students achieve their maximum potential. A total of 60-64 semester hours of course work is required to complete the 澳门赌博平台计划. 这些课程可以转学, meeting the first two years of general education requirements at colleges and universities. 本课程强调分析和批判性思维能力, and language development in an intellectually demanding atmosphere.


  • 班级规模更小
  • 研讨会格式
  • 学生之间以及与教授之间更大的互动
  • More in-depth treatment of course content with an emphasis on analysis, synthesis, 批判性思维, 应用与讨论

澳门赌博平台计划的学生必须达到平均水平 每学期15个学分. 以前的学分包括在平均值中, but students must keep their full-time status and must stay on pace to graduate on time. 他们的成绩单上最多只能有一个W. 学生课程表必须包括两门澳门赌博平台课程, 外加每周三下午一小时的澳门赌博平台研讨会课程.

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Students are guided to make elective course selections that balance their program of study and meet the requirements of their planned university major. Counseling and advising services for the 澳门赌博平台计划 students are designed to maximize credit transfer.

澳门赌博平台计划 students have transferred and successfully completed programs at universities listed below.

  • 亚利桑那州立大学
  • 俄亥俄大学
  • 美国大学
  • 普渡大学
  • 芝加哥艺术学院
  • 杜兰大学
  • 奥本大学
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校
  • 波士顿大学
  • 芝加哥大学
  • 波士顿学院
  • 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校
  • 康奈尔大学
  • 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校
  • 伊利诺伊理工学院
  • 南加州大学
  • 印第安纳大学
  • 乔治敦大学
  • 曼荷莲女子学院为蓝本
  • 威斯康星大学
  • 麻省理工学院
  • 范德比尔特
  • 西北大学
  • 史密斯学院
  • 爱荷华大学
  • 和其他人. . .

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在2002年秋季学期, the 澳门赌博平台 澳门赌博平台计划 adopted a service-learning initiative, whereby all freshmen 澳门赌博平台计划 students will complete 24 hours per semester of volunteer activities in their communities.

Service-learning partners include agencies in the areas of social service, 文化与历史, 图书馆服务, 动物保健, 医疗服务, 以及扫盲服务. The program invites any interested not-for-profit agencies within the service district of 澳门赌博平台 to contact the program for information about becoming a service-learning partner.

服务学习的使命是三重的. Service learning provides volunteer opportunities to 澳门赌博平台 Scholars Students who will share their talents, skills, 兴趣和专长. 除了, service learners will assist nonprofit and health care agencies in recruitment of students for their special activities and/or daily tasks. Lastly, 澳门赌博平台计划 service learners (SSL) will document and report the value and impact of service learning student work to interested parties.


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Dr. Michael Flaherty
(708) 456-0300分机. 3250

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